Budgeting or budget is basically planning all your revenue and expenses ahead. Companies usually project their revenue and expenses for a specific time period, basing it on different external and internal factors. A budget can be for a quarter or half-year, or a year. There can be various types of budgets on the basis of the purpose you want to the budget for and also on the basis of budgeting approaches. Let’s see some of the popular budgeting examples:
Budgeting Examples – Purpose
Sales Budget
The sales budget basically depicts the sales expectations of the company. Let’s see an example of the sales budget.
Company A makes mobile phones. The company expects to sell 2000, 2200, 2500 and 3000 units for the next four years. The selling price per unit is $50 and is expected to increase to $55, $60, and $65 in the second, third, and fourth years respectively. Also, the company expects to offer a 2% discount on the sales price for all four years. Following will be the sales budget for the company:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | |
Sales (Unit) A | 2000 | 2200 | 2500 | 3000 |
Selling Price per unit B | $50 | $55 | $60 | $65 |
Total Sales (A*B) | $100,000 | $121,000 | $150,000 | $195,000 |
Discount 2% | $2,000 | $2,420 | $3,000 | $3,900 |
Net Sales | $98,000 | $118,580 | $147,000 | $191,100 |
Incremental Budget
As the name suggests, in this type of budget, the company includes any addition that it plans or expects to go ahead with. Let’s see an example of an Incremental Budget:
Last year Company A paid a total salary of $500000. For the next year, the company plans to give an increment of 10% to the entire staff. Also, Company A plans to hire four new employees with a salary of $20000 each. Following is the Incremental Budget for Company A:
Particulars | Amt. |
Last Year’s Salary | $500,000 |
Expected 10% Hike | $50,000 |
Total | $550,000 |
New Hire (4 @ $25000 each) | $100,000 |
Total Salary Bill | $650,000 |
Company A’s total salary budget for next year is $650,000.
Production Budget
The production budget depicts the number of units a company expects to produce with a given amount of resources. It includes expected sales, inventory, and more. Let’s see an example of a Production Budget:
For the next four years, Company A expects to sell 10000, 12000, 14000, and 16000 units of the sale Cricket bats, respectively. The closing inventory for the current year is 1000 units, but the production manager plans to bring it down to 800 units for next year and 750, 700, and 650 units for Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4, respectively. Following is the Production Budget for Company A:
Particulars | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
Expected Sales Unit (A) | 10000 | 12000 | 14000 | 16000 |
Opening Inventory (B) | 1000 | 800 | 750 | 700 |
Closing Inventory (C) | 800 | 750 | 700 | 650 |
Expected Production (A+C-B) | 9800 | 11950 | 13950 | 15950 |
Business Budget
This budget is not for any department but rather for the full business and includes all sales, production, expenses, and more. Let’s see a simple example of a Business Budget:
Company B has sales of $500000. The management expects sales to increase by 10% for the next year, while expenses (rent, insurance, Internet, travel, interest) by 10%. The cost of goods sold currently is $200000 and is expected to go up by 5%. Following is the Business Budget for Company B:
Particulars | % Increase | Amt (Last Year) | Amt (Expected) |
Sales (A) | 10% | $500,000 | $550,000 |
COGS (B) | 5% | $200,000 | $210,000 |
Operating Expenses | |||
Internet | 10% | $3,000 | $3,300 |
Rent | 10% | $10,000 | $11,000 |
Insurance | 10% | $5,000 | $5,500 |
Travel | 10% | $2,000 | $2,200 |
Interest | 10% | $4,000 | $4,400 |
Total Expenses (C) | $24,000 | $26,400 | |
Net Income (A –B – C) | $276,000 | $313,600 |
Based on the above budget, the net income for Company B increases by $37,600.
Budgeting Examples – Approaches
We can also give budgeting examples on the basis of approaches to budgeting. There are two approaches to budgeting – Top-Down Approach and Bottom-up Approach.
First, lets us understand the Top-Down Approach. Under this approach, the top management makes the budget after taking into account the goals and objectives of the organization. Management takes suggestions from managers, but they may or may not implement their suggestions.
The following is an example of the Top-Down Approach. Company A has set a target of selling 10000 units of mobiles next year. This is 2000 units more than last year. Since management sets the budget under the Top-Down Approach, they were unaware of the last-minute machinery breakdown. Due to this breakdown, the production department will be unable to produce a given number of units. Such a situation could lead to clashes between the sales and production departments.
Now let’s understand the Bottom-up Approach. In this approach, managers prepare the budget for their department on the basis of past experience and available information. After that, they submit it to the management for their suggestions and approval.
The following is an example of the Bottom-up Approach. The sales team of Company A has set a target of selling 10000 units of mobiles at $100 per unit. The production team, on the other hand, has set a target of producing 9000 units with the existing resources. In this case, management will have to decide if it wants to go ahead with the sales target and give more resources to the production team. Or go with the production team’s target and lose on extra revenue.
Very Educative and helpful to my course of study