The market-to-book value ratio is a ratio that simply compares the market value to the book value. It essentially checks how many times of book value the investors are valuing the business. Market-to-book value calculator makes it easy to calculate the ratio using the variable – book value, share price & the number of outstanding shares of the firm.
The formula for calculating market to book ratio is a very simple comparison of market value and book value
Market to Book Ratio = Market Capitalization / Book Value
Market to Book Ratio = Market Price per Share / Book Value per Share
Market to Book Value Calculator
How to Calculate Using Calculator?
You just need to enter the following fields in the calculator.
Share Price of the Firm
The latest price of the shares of the firm is easily available from stock exchange websites. It is advisable to check for any sudden big fluctuation in the price.
No. of Outstanding Shares
This can be availed from the annual financial report of the corporation.
Book Value of the Firm
This can be calculated from the balance sheet of the corporation. There are two ways to calculate it. First, take the total of the asset side of the balance sheet and deduct the liabilities, preference shares capital, and intangible assets. Second, simply take equity shareholder’s capital which includes equity capital and reserves, and surplus.
Excel Calculator – Market to Book Ratio
You can also download our excel based calculator for market to book ratio.
Excel Calculator For Market to Book Ratio (440 downloads )
Let i tell you something about Market to Book Ratio. Market to Book ratio is known as the Price to Book is a financial valuation metric used to evaluate a company’s current market value relative to its book value. … In other words, the ratio is used to compare a business’s net assets that are available in relation to the sales price of its stock.