LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is a benchmark rate that serves as the basis for calculating the interest rate for many types of financial… Read Article
What is SOFR?The commonly used abbreviation for Secured Overnight Financing Rate is SOFR. As the word implies, it is an overnight lending rate. In… Read Article
What is an Implicit Interest Rate?An implicit interest rate is when the rate of interest is not clearly mentioned on the loan document. The… Read Article
Meaning of PerpetuityPerpetuity is a never-ending stream of cash flows from an investment in the field of corporate finance. Such cash flows do not… Read Article
Time Value of Money is an important financial concept and primarily refers to the value of money at different points in time. Two methods… Read Article
Time value of money (TVM) is the most fundamental and important concept in finance. This concept basically means that the money you have at… Read Article