IntroductionA bank issues a depository receipt which is a transferable instrument representing the foreign companies’ publicly traded securities. Investors can hold the shares in… Read Article
All businesses need funds to grow and expand, such as for foraying in new markets, adding to research and development, and more. Whenever a… Read Article
Shelf Registration: MeaningShelf Registration is a type of public offering where the security issuing company has to register itself only once for its multiple… Read Article
Gray Market: MeaningGray Market or Grey Market is a marketplace where goods and/or financial securities are traded in an unofficial manner. It is not… Read Article
Equity Market: MeaningAn equity market is a marketplace where shares of public companies are bought and sold. It is commonplace where the issuers of… Read Article
What is an Underwriting Syndicate?Equity underwriters primarily look after the issue and distribution of securities to the investors on behalf of a corporation or… Read Article
What is Underpricing?Underpricing is a phenomenon in the finance world where a company, going for IPO (initial public offering), prices its shares below its real… Read Article
An IPO Process brings a private company on the platter to potential investors. There are various differences between private and public companies, and the… Read Article